Applying to us for your pupillage
We only accept applications via the Pupillage Gateway. The deadline is in February but you can get more information from Pupillage Gateway. We usually have 2 rounds of interviews, although we may ask our top candidates to come into Chambers after the second round.
The first round will be with 3 members of Chambers and will usually involve a set question and a number of competency based questions. The second round is a little more challenging and will usually involve the full pupillage committee. You will be grilled on a set question and your application will be forensically investigated by some leading cross-examiners using competency based questions.
We send out our offers in May following interviews and in accordance with the Pupillage Gateway timeframe. We usually offer 2 pupillages, but in an exceptional year, we might offer more.
We accept applications from those exempt from any part of the BPTC or Pupillage, but you should also apply via Pupillage Gateway.
Should you have any questions then contact us at or via Twitter or by calling 020 7583 9020 and asking to speak to one of the pupillage team.